Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tragedy in Indianapolis

This will be one of the few times I bring non-sports related news into my blog, but I felt like I should at least acknowledge what happened Saturday night in Indianapolis.

Saturday night at the Indiana State Fair, four people were killed and dozens injured when a concert stage collapsed onto the crowd. These people were standing around the stage in sort of a mosh-pit style.

A storm had just started making its way into the area and police had begun evacuating the crowd around the stage and in the grandstands. It was too late though. The metal beams supporting the tarp above the stage collapsed onto the crowd. There is a video of the stage coming down and it is chilling to watch.

To make it even more personal for me, I was just at the fair earlier in the day but left a few hours before the accident occurred. 

Everybody should at least prayer or think about the families who lost loved ones. Nobody deserved this, and nobody should have to suffer through something like this.

UPDATE 8/14/2011 at 1:34 pm: The Indiana State Fair is closed for Sunday. There is no word on how this will affect the other concerts in the upcoming weeks. A man died this morning due to injuries from the collapse, which brings the number of lives lost to 5.

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